More recovery for friends and families of workaholics is now available via another email meeting of Work-Anon. Contact AT gmail dot com and briefly qualify (could be two words, that you need it) and you can get added to the distribution list.
Here's what one of the founders describes about how the meeting will run, about the email meeting of "Courage WorkAnon":
The main thing is: there is a moderator (contact) email address com
and people can join after they qualify (just write 2 words that they need it)
At the beginning it will be a closed meeting only for friends and families of workaholics till the group does not decide on another way.
Of course the group works based on the Steps and Traditions - only its form is written.
The letters sent on the list can be read by anyone being on the list: shares can be responded without crosstalk.
and people can join after they qualify (just write 2 words that they need it)
At the beginning it will be a closed meeting only for friends and families of workaholics till the group does not decide on another way.
Of course the group works based on the Steps and Traditions - only its form is written.
The letters sent on the list can be read by anyone being on the list: shares can be responded without crosstalk.
Of course members can discuss their own things in private [via one to one emails] just as after face to face meetings.
Shares are treated anonymously: no one forwards them to outside persons only if the sender permits it him/herself for request.
Participants can set up to receive each post or summary digests of posts sent to their personal email if they like.