Tuesday, February 19, 2013

WorkAnon Meetings Dates and Call-in Information for 2013

Work-Anon meets twice monthly on the first and third Sundays at 8pm Eastern, 5pm Pacific. Please note, we have a new Conference Call Number, effective immediately.  Here are the Dial-in Number and Access code: 1-626-677-3000 and a participant access code of "12 steps" or the numerals 
1278377 followed by a pound key.

Here are the dates for 2013:

Sundays, Dec. 2nd & Dec. 16th, 2012 - 8pm ET
Sundays, Jan. 6th & Jan. 20th, 2013 - 8pm ET
Sundays, Feb. 3rd & Feb. 17th, 2013 - 8pm ET
Sundays, Mar. 3rd & Mar. 17th, 2013 - 8pm ET
Sundays, April 7th & April 21st, 2013 - 8pm ET 
Sundays, May 5th & May 19th, 2013 - 8pm ET
Sundays, June 2nd & June 16th, 2013 - 8pm ET
Sundays, July 7th & July 21st, 2013 - 8pm ET
Sundays, August 4th & August 18th, 2013 - 8pm ET
Sundays, September 1st & September 15th, 2013 - 8pm ET
Sundays, October 6th & October 20th, 2013 - 8pm ET
Sundays, November 3rd & November 17th, 2013 - 8pm ET
Sundays, December 1st & December 15th, 2013 - 8pm ET